How do you maintain your skin healthy in the summer

How do you maintain your skin healthy in the summer

How do you maintain your skin healthy in the summer?

As the summer comes, safety precautions must be taken to get rid of the obsession that affects most girls, which is changing the color of the skin, so you are looking for fresh skin of good color, where sun damage the skin especially in the summer so always be cautious in exposure to the sun to avoid exposure to These problems and the use of sunblock to reduce the damage of the sun, here are some tips for protection from the sun:

  • Always keep your body hydrated

During the summer the body loses water due to high temperature, so it is necessary during that period to keep drinking water constantly and to take fluids to keep the skin moist and smooth.

  • Double protection against sun damage

Some people may think that using sunblock is enough to keep the skin from fluctuating, but that protection should be doubled with the help of antioxidants that resist free radicals and protect the skin from aging. Therefore, products that contain vitamin C and vitamin E that protect the skin And reflect the harmful effect of the sun.

  • Follow a healthy diet:

One of the most important ways to protect your skin from common problems is to follow a healthy diet while maintaining exercises, such as vegetables and fiber-rich fruits, foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, spinach, turnip, liver, dairy products, apricots, plums, and melons, as well as many foods rich in vitamin B Such as fish, bananas, leafy vegetables, red meat, and apples.

  • Stay away from soft drinks

During the summer, most people tend to drink cold drinks in the belief that these drinks may help them overcome thirst and heat, but we must be aware that these drinks are not full of sugars that harm the body only, but also have negative effects on the skin, instead of Those unhealthy drinks can be replaced with water or some of the natural fruit juices or lemon juice.

  • Wear appropriate clothing to protect against the sun

Doctors are always advising in the summer to wear long-sleeved cotton clothing that helps protect against the sun.

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