5 tools for back pain relief
5 tools for back pain relief
Treatment of back pain depends mainly on physical therapy, steroid injections and long term use of analgesic drugs, but doctors believe that adjusting life style is an effective tool for management of chronic back pain.
- Diet: inflammation is the main cause of chronic back pain; we can combat inflammatory reactions by following specific diet plan. Your healthy diet should include proteins, leafy greens and healthy fats (nuts, fatty fish like salmon). On the other hand, you should avoid processed and fast foods.
- Stress: emotional stress triggers release of stress hormones, which induce muscle spasm and inflammatory reactions. So you should learn how to manage your stress. There are many helpful tools for stress management. They include; meditation, hot bathes and behavioral psychotherapy.
- Sleep: insomnia and other sleep disorders lead to extra release of stress hormones which have a negative direct effect on back pain. So sufficient and comfortable hours of night sleep is an important tool for back pain relief.
- Exercise: back pain may be due weakness of back muscle, in these cases back muscles exercise are very helpful in elimination of back pain, these exercise workouts should be done under specialized supervision.
- Acupuncture: it's a Chinese traditional therapeutic method which includes inserting of fine needles in certain points in the body to relieve back. This method is very effectives but not suitable for everyone, so you should consult your doctor first.