Are clothes and shoes possible sources for COVID-19 infection?

Are clothes and shoes possible sources for COVID-19 infection

If you applied the main preventive measures for COVID-19 (frequent hand washing, regular disinfecting of commonly touched surfaces and objects, home self-quarantine and social distancing), you are still in danger to catch COVID-19.

You definitely go to the grocery store for example to buy food and household supply. Although you apply social distancing and disinfect your hands during your short trip but your shoes and clothes you are wearing could be a possible source for transmission of COVID-19 infection.

There are many facts we still don't know about COVID-19, but medical studies showed that sneezing or coughing droplets containing the virus could be carried by our clothes and shoes and cause infection, especially the virus has the ability to survive in the external environment for several days.

So the best preventive precaution should be taken towards this issue, is doing laundry (washing the clothes you wore during your trip) just after going home. On the other side, your shoes tend to be less possible source for COVID-19 infection than clothes. But anyway, it's recommended to take off your shoes before entering home and leaving it outside, also you can apply additional preventive measure by cleaning your shoes and wash your hands after finishing.

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