Supplements... Are they harmful

Supplements... Are they harmful

Supplements... Are they harmful

Supplements are synthetic or natural extracts that consist mainly of vitamins and minerals and are prescribed usually in cases of nutritional deficiency or as complementary drug therapy in many cases.

Although supplements are generally safe, excessive amounts of certain vitamins may be harmful, for example;

  • Vitamin A overdose may predispose to osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin B6 overdose increases the risk of peripheral neuropathy & disturbances in the motor or sensory functions of the extremities.

On the other hand, some herbal supplements may have harmful interactions with certain drugs, for example;

  • Herbal supplements that contain garlic or ginger extracts have a harmful interaction with blood thinners, which increases the risk of bleeding tendency.
  • Herbal supplements that contain cinnamon extract negatively affect the liver metabolism of statins (anti-cholesterol drugs) and anti-depressants, which negatively affect the time of action of these drugs.

So, before taking supplementations, it's recommended to consult your doctor first to help you to determine any expected serious drug interactions that may affect your health.

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